
Extent Images Online

Looking to extent images online? Check out our free tool! Unlimited uses, no download required, and easy to use!


Width: 100  Height: 100  Direction: SouthEast  Color: #ff0000  

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How to extent images online?

You can do circular extent as well as rectangular extent.

Images can be extentmed having transparent or white background.

  • Add all files you want to extent either by drag and drop section or choose file by click on input area.
  • Enter the width and height of the extended image.
  • Also pick the color of the background of the extended image and direction.
  • Click on Extent button to extent and download the extended file.
  • You can click on reset button if you want to extent new file.
What is image extent operation?
  • The `extent` operation is used to set the size of the image canvas. This operation can be useful for creating a specific canvas size for an image, which can be larger or smaller than the original image size.
  • If the canvas size is larger than the original image size, the `extent` operation will add a border around the image. The color of the border can be set with the `-background` option.
  • If the canvas size is smaller than the original image size, the `extent` operation will crop the image to fit the canvas size. The position of the crop can be set with the `-gravity` option.
What are the uses of image extent operation?
  • The `extent` operation has several uses:
  • Resizing the Canvas: The primary use of the `extent` operation is to set the size of the image canvas. This can be useful for creating a specific canvas size for an image, which can be larger or smaller than the original image size.
  • Adding Borders: If the canvas size is larger than the original image size, the `extent` operation will add a border around the image. This can be useful for adding space around an image without resizing the image itself.
  • Cropping Images: If the canvas size is smaller than the original image size, the `extent` operation will crop the image to fit the canvas size. This can be useful for removing unwanted areas from an image.
  • Image Processing: The `extent` operation can be part of a larger image processing pipeline. For example, you might set the canvas size of an image before applying other operations such as resizing, cropping, or contrast adjustments.

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