
Linear Stretch Images Online

Looking to linear stretch colors in images online? Check out our free tool! Unlimited uses, no download required, and easy to use!

The black point.
The White Point.


Blackpoint: 30  Whitepoint: 30  

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How to linear stretch images online?

Discards any pixels below the black point and above the white point and levels the remaining pixels.

  • Add all files you want to linear stretch either by drag and drop section or choose file by click on input area.
  • Enter the black point and white point % value between 0 to 100.
  • Click on Linear Stretch button to linear stretch and download the stretched files.
  • You can click on reset button if you want to edit new file.
What is image linear stretch?
  • Linear stretching is a technique used to improve the contrast in an image.
  • It works by stretching the range of color values it contains to span a desired range of values. This is often used to make the image more visually appealing or to highlight certain features of an image.
  • Two input values required are black-point and white-point. Any colors in the image that are darker than the black-point are set to black, and any colors that are lighter than the white-point are set to white. The colors in between are stretched across the entire grayscale spectrum.
  • For example, lets assume, the black-point at 5% and the white-point at 0%. This means that the darkest 5% of colors in the image are set to black, and the lightest 0% are set to white. The remaining colors are stretched across the grayscale spectrum.
What is the difference between linear stretch and histogram equalization?
  • Linear stretching is a technique used to improve the contrast in an image. It works by stretching the range of color values it contains to span a desired range of values. This is often used to make the image more visually appealing or to highlight certain features of an image.
  • Histogram equalization is a technique used to improve the contrast in an image. It works by stretching the range of color values it contains to span a desired range of values. This is often used to make the image more visually appealing or to highlight certain features of an image.
What are the uses of linear stretch?
  • Linear stretch is primarily used for contrast stretching or normalization. Here are some of its uses:
  • 1. Improving Image Contrast: Linear stretch can be used to improve the contrast of an image by expanding the range of color values. It can make the details of an image more visible and enhance its visual appeal.
  • 2. Highlighting Features: By stretching the color values, certain features in an image can be made more prominent. This can be useful in various fields like satellite imagery where certain features need to be highlighted for analysis.
  • 3. Preprocessing Step: Linear stretch can be used as a preprocessing step in many image processing tasks. For example, before applying certain algorithms, it might be beneficial to normalize the contrast of the image.
  • 4. Making Images Comparable: If you have a set of images taken under different lighting conditions, applying a linear stretch can make them more comparable by normalizing their contrast.
  • Remember, the effectiveness of linear stretch will depend on the specific characteristics of the image. In some cases, other techniques might be more suitable for enhancing contrast or highlighting features.

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