
Set color to transparent from Images Online

Looking to turn colored image to transparent? Check out this free online tool that lets you change colors with ease! No download required and unlimited usage.

Color to make transparent


Color: #ff0000  

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How to turn color to transparent in images online?

  • Add all pictures you want to turn transparent either by drag and drop section or choose file by click on input area.
  • Using the color picker select the color you want to remove from the image.
  • Click on Turn Transparenct button to change transparent and download the transparent image.
What is turning image color to transparent?
  • Color to transparent tool is the operation of changing the alpha channel (transparency) of a specific color in an image.
  • If you have white background image, `white` is the color that you want to make transparent.
  • Please note that these operations only affect the specified color. Other colors in the image will remain unchanged.
What are the uses of making color to transparent in an image?
  • The Color to Transparent tool is primarily used for manipulating the transparency of specific colors in an image. Here are some of its uses:
  • Making a Color Transparent: If you have an image with a specific color background (like white) that you want to make transparent, you can use the tool. This is particularly useful when you want to overlay the image on different backgrounds.
  • Making a Color Opaque: Conversely, if you have an image with a specific color that is transparent and you want to make it opaque, you can use the operation.
  • Image Preprocessing: The operation can be used as a preprocessing step in image processing tasks. For example, before applying certain algorithms, it might be beneficial to make certain colors transparent or opaque.

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